"The son of a bitch still owes him eight dollars.”

photo caption: nature morte, Santa Olaya, PR, 2012

"Houses, rooms, our designs of all sorts and all material things will eventually vanish. Because they cannot last, their value is in the present, in memories that die with us, in things that come unbidden to the eye and in the electric, immaterial, miraculous spark that occurs when by accident and design they jump the gap and, like life itself, are propagated into something else, becoming for a moment pure spirit, thus to become everlasting."

by Mark Helprin
New York Times : HOME
Oct 4, 2012





Jan Galligan
Santa Olaya, PR

http://JANGuarte.posterous.com [art blog]
http://cinefestsanjuan.posterous.com [cine blog]
http://about.me/JanGalligan [about me]