03+22+1947 = 01: BINGO!

Indian Soothsayers Offer Tips Using Numbers and Names -NYTimes.com

name="description" content="Numerologists in India offer advice
that uses mathematical formulas, and market themselves through
infomercials, or writing newspaper columns or with Web sites.">

According to Mr.Sanjay B Jumaanii, people's personalities and destinies are shaped
by the interplay of various numbers
. Among the most important are numbers
derived from birth dates, like the sum of the digits that make up the day
of birth. Babies born on the 28th day of a month, for example, are said to
have a good life ahead of them because 2 and 8 add up to 10, and 1 plus 0
equals 1.

<<meta> Mar 22, 1947 ===> 03+22= 7 1+9+4+7= 21 2+1=3 7+3=10 =1 VOILA!  </meta>>

One, three, five and six are considered auspicious numbers: Mr. Jumaani
points out that Bill Gates was born on Oct. 28, 1955.

Numbers correspond to the sun, the moon or a planet; one is the sun, two is
the moon, three is Jupiter and so on, and so forth...

Read the full story here:  http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/05/business/global/05numbers.html?sq=numerology&st=cse&scp=1&pagewanted=print