CATS & THE U.S.A. - I'm Bound for America. Kiss Me.

Buffalo Evening News
Final Edition, 192 pages
Sunday, Jan. 3, 1999
Front Page

Marriage Plot Led to Abduction, Authorities Say
by Karen Robinson, staff writer

A car headed over the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls was carrying a
prospective bride and groom - but this was no ordinary wedding party.

The couple was found in the ice-cold trunk of the car, with the unwilling
bride bound and gagged. Her uncle was driving.

Federal officials say Wahid Nader, 29, and Jamal Nassar Azia, 37, both
natives of Afghanistan, were trying to smuggle Mine Betoor of Toronto
into the United States and force her to marry Nader. The marriage had
reportedly been arranged by her family.

When she refused to marry Nader, police said, Nadir and Aziz clubbed her
in the head, abducted her and then imprisoned her in the basement of a
home in Etobicoke, Ont. for more than two days.

When the trio got to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service
booth at the bridge, an inspector sensed something was suspicious about
Aziz's behavior. He asked Aziz to open the trunk. The man and woman were
found inside the trunk and the woman was bound.

"This case is really sad," said Assistant U.S. Attorney, Trini Ross.

Buffalo Evening News
First Sunday Magazine
Page 4
WHATEVER: Edge Joke of the Month

A woman lion tamer has the big cats under such control that
they took lumps of sugar right from her lips on command.

"Anyone can do that!" a skeptic yells.

The ringmaster comes over and asks, "Would you like to try it?"

"Sure!" replies the man. "But first get those cats out of there."