In my opinion...


 ... the look, new to me, of the Gazette deserves attention
and accolades. Over the years I've been an inveterate reader
of the New York Times which I pick up from the corner market
next to my house in downtown Albany. Next to the Times, the
Times Union and the Gazette are always on display. On occasion,
when a local story grabs my interest, I pick up the TU, but once I've
read the story, put it down again.

Unfortunately it's been a while since I've picked up the Gazette, but
I did yesterday - to look at the photo of the Corporate Challange. Then
I noticed how your paper has been redesigned. It is really handsome,
readable, contemporary and compelling. Unlike the TU, the news does not
get lost in the sea of advertisement.

Kudos and a tip of the 75Grand Texas A&M baseball cap to y'all.

 Jan Galligan
75 Grand
Albany, NY 12202

75Grand's Zazzle Store
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